Welcome to Beach Church

Come join us every Sunday at 9:30 AM as we share Jesus with our community and beyond! (If Sunday is raining please call Pastor Josh at 506-8511-8572 for alternate location).

Our weekly ministries!

Men’s Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 7:30am our men meet at Gabriella’s restaurant to study the Word of God and have a delicious breakfast! We study the Word of God verse by verse to find out the deep and wonderful things God has in store for us.

Woman’s Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 9:30am our ladies get together at the T.E.S. Ministry Center and do a deep dive into Scripture. Feel free to bring a snack to share and we will provide tea and coffee!

Estudio Biblica en Español Amigos Del Rio

Únase a nosotros todos los martes por la noche a las 6 p.m. en Amigos Del Rio. Este estudio profundiza en los sermones dominicales y también nos ayuda a saber cómo estudiar la palabra de Dios.

Casa De Luz

Our youth group meets every Thursday night at 6:30pm. Ages 13-up are welcome to come enjoy fun, games and fellowship with one another! We lead an awesome night of worship and a message from the Word of God.

Casa De Amor

These amazing men are a part of the rehabilitation group that live in a center in Paquita. God is restoring and refining these gentlemen wholly in His image. They are a huge blessing to our church and we are grateful for their help in setting up our chairs and tents!

Potluck / Bible Study

The first Saturday of the month we meet together at the T.E.S. Ministry Center for food and fellowship! We will provide the main course and everyone brings a side dish to share. We use the S.O.A.P. method to study the Word of God verse by verse.

Estudio Biblica en Español. Centro De Ministerial

Únase a nosotros todos los martes por la noche a las 6 p.m. en el T.E.S. ¡Centro Ministerial para un estudio de discipulado mientras exploramos al Dios grande y poderoso al que servimos! ¡Prepárate para profundizar más!

Estudio Biblica en Español en la casa de Lily

Los miércoles a las 6 PM en la casa de Lilly, el grupo de esta mujer se dedica a estudiar profundamente la Palabra de Dios y aplicarla a nuestras vidas.

Estudio Biblica en Español en Londres

Este grupo se reúne con Daniela y busca unir a mujeres para aplicar la palabra de Dios a sus vidas.

  • Josh & Diana Boling

    Servants - Adult Ministries

  • Carlos & Jenny

    Servants - Adult Ministries

  • Carlos, Josh, Phil, Melissa, Daniela

    Servants - Church Council

  • Areil / Pamela / Jarret

    Servants - Finance Committee

  • Bill Boling

    Servant - Men’s Leader

  • Diana Boling

    Servant - Woman’s Leader

  • Caleb, Joseph, John

    Servants - Media & Logistics

  • Carlos, Larry, Glenn, Debbie

    Servants - Prayer Team

Connect with Us

Welcome to Beach Church! Let us know how we can assist you and what you can expect after getting in touch with us. Don’t forget to select a storage option for your submissions.